
¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ Color LogoQuinsigamond Community College Logo




¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ hasÌý±è²¹°ù³Ù²Ô±ð°ù±ð»åÌýwith QCCÌý³Ù´ÇÌýoffer you access to programs that ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ does not currently offer.Ìý°Õ³ó¾±²õÌý±è²¹°ù³Ù²Ô±ð°ù²õ³ó¾±±èÌýguarantees the transfer of credits ofÌýthe outlinedÌýcourses below.ÌýOnce you have fulfilled the general courses at MWCC,Ìýyou may thenÌýapply toÌýtransferÌýto QCC toÌýfinish yourÌýdegree.*Ìý

QCC students interested in transferring to ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ’s Veterinary Technology or Physical Therapy Assistant degree programs should email transferadvisor@mwcc.mass.edu

Attend an information session!

During this information session, you will learn about the admission process for these competitive programs, the requirements for consideration and hear from faculty.

Attendance is required, and a session will need to have been attended within one year of application.Ìý

Click on the date and time below to register for the session (opens in a new tab).

Information Sessions are virtual, on Zoom. Click on a date to register.

If you cannot attend, please contact transfer services at 978-630-9109 or transferadvisor@mwcc.mass.edu.



  • There are 3 seats available each year for both programs
  • AllowsÌýfor a smooth transition to QCCÌý
  • PreventsÌýyouÌýfrom taking or repeating unnecessary courseworkÌý
  • ProvidesÌýyou the flexibility to take classes nearby before transferringÌýÌý


  • You must attend a Respiratory and Radiologic Technician Information Session
  • You must meet the TEAS requirements of the QCC program
  • Medical Release & Physical Exam (within 12 months of program start)
  • Vaccinations
    • Tetanus vaccination (Tdap within the last 10 years)
    • Flu vaccination (current Influenza season by October 1)
    • Covid 19 (Pfizer or Moderna 2 doses or Johnson & Johnson 1 dose and booster when eligible)
    • Tuberculosis Screening (two negative Tuberculin Skin Tests (2 step) or a Quantifiron Gold test)
    • Varicella (positive titer)
    • Measles, Mumps, and RubellaÌý(positive titers)
    • Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (if under 21 years of age)
    • Hepatitis B vaccination series and a positive surface antibody titer.
  • You must take at least 15 credits at ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ prior to submitting yourÌýQCCÌýapplicationÌý
    • RDT Required Courses at ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ: ENG 101, MAT 126 or MAT 143, BIO 113 or 109 as a pre-requisite for BIO 203, PSY 105, SPC 113
    • RS Required Courses at ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ: ENG 101, BIO 113 or 109 as a pre-requisite for BIO 203, PSY 105, ENG 102
  • You must meet any other academic admission requirements for QCCÌý
  • Must have all entrance requirements completed by May 15

Program Details:Ìý

  • There are 3 seats available each year for both programs
  • Courses taken at QCC are subject to QCC’s tuition and feesÌýÌý
  • You will be held to all QCC policies in effect at the timeÌýyouÌýare admitted. These may include policies governing financial aid, academic status, graduation standards and in-state/out-of-state student status.Ìý

Steps to Apply:Ìý

  1. Download Brochure (PDF)
  2. View Full Agreement (PDF)
  3. Download and complete ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ & QCC Program Partnership Application (submit to ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ Admissions or Transfer Coordinator in Advising Career & Transfer ) – Application Deadline May 15

Note: Students interested in applying to QCC programs via ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ should begin required vaccinations at least two months in advance of submitting their QCC application to ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ. Because we know that health requirements can be confusing, we have a compliance coordinator here at ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ, Robyn Hartin, who can answer any questions and review any documents to ensure you are submitting the necessary records. Robyn can be reached at rhartin@mwcc.mass.edu.

For more information email our transfer team at transfer@mwcc.mass.eduÌýwith QCC Partnership in the subject line to request an appointment.

Click here for the QCC Clinical Student Health Form and here for the Radiology Tech Clinical Requirements.Ìý


Send My Information

By submitting this form, I understand that the information I provided will be used in compliance withÌý¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ’s Privacy Policy.