Become a Community Partner

¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ and Members from Habitat for Humanity

The Senator Stephen M. Brewer Center for Civic Learning and Community Engagement is more than a collection of programs or services. Each event we sponsor, every student we place with a local non-profit organization, any ideas we help develop, and all of our non-profit partnerships are part of a larger strategic vision for improving the lives of individuals and families in North Central Massachusetts. We invite you and your organization to help us in this endeavor.

Service Site Requirements

  • Have an office or available public space for use (such as a library), students will not enter anyone’s home
  • Ensure that someone within your organization can oversee and manage your requested project, be sure that you can accommodate someone at an introductory level
  • Provide a supportive work environment to foster student retention and an ongoing commitment to service
  • Complete an evaluation for each student placed with your organization
  • Accommodate a site visit at a mutually convenient time (for organizations hosting internship students or large groups of students)

Host a ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ Student

The Center works with community partners to determine a best-fit for both students and community partners. There are three ways to engage ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ students at your organization:

  1. Service Learning: Students work with community-based organizations to complete a certain amount of hours for a course. The service completed is connected to course objectives and community needs.
  2. Volunteering: Join our community to post upcoming volunteer opportunities and connect with students about volunteer opportunities for events or weekly service shifts
  3. Internships and Co-ops: A longer, more intensive commitment, where students are placed at community-based sites and complete 120-300 hours of service over the course of the semester.

Get Started

Contact Director, Shelley Errington Nicholson, at 978-630-9219.