For Faculty

  • Service Learning/Internships/Course Projects:
    • Forms and guidance are available. The Brewer Center will assist in the collection of paperwork required (CORIs, site forms, etc.) as well as the pairing of students to sites and trainings involved (Give Pulse, etc.) Please contact us prior to the start of your class and we can work to best accommodate you and your course needs.
  • Dialogues:
    • Are you passionate about a topic and want to speak to our ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ community about it? Facilitate a dialogue with us, join us as a guest speaker, or propose a topic to us! Email us at to get started!
  • Brewer Center Fellow Program:
    • We have seen an unprecedented nation-wide call for racial justice and the Brewer Center recognizes its place within the call. With this in mind, we developed a program for individuals interested in curriculum redesign to integrate racial justice and civic learning into their curriculum. Participation in the initiative is open to any full-time or adjunct faculty members.
    • What are the benefits of participating?
      • To collaborate with other faculty fellows in the creation of curricular integration
      • To engage students in a deeply meaningful examination of racial justice as it pertains to your field of study
    • What are the expectations of Faculty Fellows?
      • Participating faculty will be asked to make an eight-month commitment to the initiative.
      • Those who apply should be able to dedicate a reasonable amount of out-of-class time to curriculum development, assessment, data collection, reporting and quarterly virtual meetings (we will decide as a committee when we are able to meet).
    • Responsibilities:
      • Engage in curriculum redesign activities/assignments and/or propose new courses or projects to incorporate racial justice into your area of study
      • Participate in monthly virtual meetings to discuss strategies, resources, best practices, progress and potential pitfalls
      • Apply discussions and conclusions to each Fellow’s own civic learning, teaching, curriculum development, and assessment design
      • Pilot new activities or projects
      • Write a summary report to be disseminated to the campus community via the Brewer Center’s Annual Report
      • Faculty participants are expected to submit student artifacts for assessment and displaying (if applicable)
      • Faculty participants are expected to report their hours to the Brewer Center Director on a weekly basis
    • Have additional questions or want to express your interest? Email us at