Events at The Greenhouse

Summer 2024

Farmer’s Market, June 25

farmers market june 25

Planting for all!

In the Spring of 2024, students in the CAPS collaborative program at ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ got their hands dirty planting in our elevated raised beds. The beds were constructed by a student in the regenerative agriculture program, and the design is ADA compliant so that everyone can be involved in the growing season. Keep an eye out for zinnias, marigolds, and dwarf sunflower varieties this summer!

CAPS Students build ADA compliant raised beds

Past Events

Agricultural Forum and Farmer’s Market and Plant Sale

April 24, 2024, 8:00 am to 1:30 pm, in the Commons at the Gardner campus.

Maple Candy Making Demo

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

example of tapped maple tree maple making tools maple candy in molds

Agriculture Fair

Students in the Regenerative Agriculture course hold an agriculture fair in April 2023. The event highlighted pollinators, micro-greens, and hydroponic techniques with hands-on demonstrations led by students.

Agriculture Fair 2023 Agriculture Fair 2023b Pollinators House

Sofrito Workshop

At the end of summer 23’, staff members Luz Lopes and Gloria Correa taught community members about the history and significance of cooking with sofrito in many Latin American dishes. They used fresh culantro, cilantro, onions, garlic, and peppers grown in the greenhouse along with other herbs and spices to prepare sofrito, and assist everyone with making their own.