Our street address:
Theatre at the Mount
444 Green St.
Gardner MA 01440
Located in the Raymond LaFontaine Fine Arts Center at Mount Wachusett Community College.
The main entrance to the theatre is located adjacent to parking Lot A and is clearly marked “Theatre at the Mount.” An alternate entrance is located or at the opposite end of the art wing closest to Lot B (near the stone wall). Parking is always FREE.
From Eastern Mass:
Route 2 West to Exit 90. Drive straight through two traffic lights then take the next left onto Matthews Street. Turn right at the end of Matthews. The main entrance is on the right just before the digital sign with the red lettering. Park anywhere there is a legal spot.
From Western Mass:
Route 2 East to Route 140 North. Take exit 90, turn left at the end of the exit ramp. Drive straight through 2 sets of traffic lights and take the next left (Matthews Street.)Turn right at the end of Matthews and look for the digital sign with the red lettering. Turn right into the main entrance and park anywhere there is a legal spot.
From Southern Mass:
I-190 North to Route 2 West. Take exit 90 and drive straight through two traffic lights. Take the next left onto Matthews Street. Turn right at the end of Matthews Street and look for the digital sign with red lettering. Turn right into the main entrance and park anywhere there is a legal spot.
From New Hampshire:
Route 12 South to Route 140 South. Bear right at exit 鈥淕ardner,鈥 and drive approximately one mile. Turn left into the main college entrance just past the digital sign with the red lettering. Park wherever there is a legal spot.