¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ is a lifelong learning community dedicated to excellence in education and responsive to the changing needs of the communities we serve.
Our focus is the preparation of individuals for lives of fulfillment, leadership, and service in a diverse and global society. We are committed to engaging students in rich and challenging learning opportunities within a small college atmosphere that is known for its personal touch.
As such, we offer a variety of programs outside of our traditional credit degree program pathways.
Adult Education
The Adult Education division at ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ offers adults the opportunity to gain the necessary academic skills to enter a college degree or certificate program at ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ. Free classes offered include high school equivalency (GED or HiSET) and English for Speakers of other Languages.
Center for Corporate and Professional Education
Our Center for Corporate and Professional Education delivers high-quality corporate instruction and workforce development training at the most affordable prices for businesses in the North Central Massachusetts service area. From assisting companies with accessing Workforce Training Fund grants to delivering top-notch customized contract training, anytime, anywhere. Investing in training your staff will increase productivity, improve sales, increase profit and allow your company to do business better, faster, and more efficiently.
Community Education – Lifelong Learning and Personal Enrichment
Our Community Education department offers a wide variety of courses to help you enhance your skills, learn a new hobby or earn a certificate to help your career. We schedule community education courses during evenings, weekends and even online. If you’re searching for opportunities to expand your mind, there’s always something new to learn at ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ!
Workforce Access and Education
Workforce Access & Education at Mount Wachusett Community College offers adults the opportunity to gain the necessary training and academic skills to enter the workforce or enroll in a college degree program at ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ. Training courses prepare students for work in Healthcare, Human Services, Advanced Manufacturing, Technology, and other fields. Students will develop skills to start a new career or take their career to the next level.
Become a Workforce Training Instructor
We are looking for Industry Professionals to become instructors in a variety of training programs (Nurse Assistant, EMT, Early Childhood Education, Manufacturing and Technology)
Complete this form for more information about how you can become an Instructor!