Center for Corporate and Professional Education

Workforce Development

Mount Wachusett Community College Department of Workforce Development delivers high-quality corporate instruction and workforce development training at the most affordable prices for businesses in the North Central Massachusetts service area. From assisting companies with accessing Workforce Training Fund grants to delivering top-notch customized contract training, anytime, anywhere. Investing in training your staff will increase productivity, improve sales, increase profit and allow your company to do business better, faster, and more efficiently.

Workforce Training Fund Logo

How to Fund Corporate Training

Grant writing is available, at no cost, for submission to the Workforce Training Fund Program. The Workforce Training Fund is a state fund financed entirely by Massachusetts employers, and enacted into law in July 1998. Its purpose is to provide resources to Massachusetts businesses and workers to train current and newly hired employees. The mission of the Fund is to provide businesses with the resources to invest in the Massachusetts workforce and improve employee skills, and to maintain the economic strength and viability of the Commonwealth’s businesses.

Workforce Training Fund Options

  • General Program Grant: Companies looking for extensive training up to $125,000 with up to two years to deliver training.
  • Express Program Grant: Employers looking for less complex training with quicker turn-around.

Corporate Training

We have delivered employee training at over 150 companies across the state. When you work with ¿ªÔªÆåÅÆ for your employee training needs, you’ll work in partnership with professional training consultants to develop a program that meets the unique needs of your business and your workforce.

Our goal is to assist businesses in North Central Mass to access grant training dollars and to provide quality training to the workforce. At no cost to businesses, our professional grant writer will work to craft and submit the most effective grant application possible.

Our instructors combine a high level of expertise in their respective fields with practical experience in business and industry. Employee training can occur at your company, at one of our conveniently located campuses, off-site, online or a hybrid of delivery methods.

Why Train your Employees?

Training can be for front-line staff in need of customer service skills, for management-level staff for supervisory and/or leadership skills, or even for C-suite staff in need of refreshers on project management or Lean Transformation.

  • Cross-train employees to perform additional functions
  • Improve employee communication skills
  • Spend less time correcting mistakes
  • Help your employees become adaptable to change
  • Improve sales and increase profit

Training Courses Offered

We have a suite of commonly offered courses, but are also able to customize training for specific industries including business, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance.

The most commonly offered courses are:

  • First Line Supervisor
  • Supervisory & Management
  • Workplace Negotiations
  • Communication for Managers
  • English as a Second Language
  • Spanish for Managers
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • CPR/Basic Life Support
  • Managing & Achieving Organizational Goals
  • Managing Conflict in the Organization
  • Microsoft Excel, Word, and Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Sharepoint
  • Google Suite Applications
  • Customer Service
  • Change Management
  • Successful Project Management
  • Time Management
  • Lean Transformation/Quality Systems
  • Train the Trainer
  • Six Sigma for all Businesses
  • OSHA (10 and 30 hour General Industry and Safety Training)

For more information on how to begin the process, please contact a workforce development representative at 978-630-9569 or send an email to