Electronics & Technology Technician Courses

George Brown CollegeEach technician certificate program enriches your skills and knowledge in design, programming, installation, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting industrial electronics, robotics, and PLC equipment.  Students may enroll in the program at any time during the year and provides an alternative for those who cannot attend a traditional college environment or a full or part-time basis. This flexibility provides students with the ability to set their own pace when proceeding through the programs. Typical completion time is two weeks per module; however, students can finish much more quickly, depending on factors such as previous training, experience, education, and time allocation.

One of the main features of the programs is the complete integration of lab experiments within the presentation of theory. This is accomplished through the introduction of software that simulates the behavior of real-world tools and systems. The simulation software (PLCLogix500, PLCLogix 5000, 3DLab, CircuitLogix or RoboLogix) converts the student’s computer into a virtual electronics lab, PLC or industrial robot.

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Automation Technician
Full registration: $1,850 or pay-as-you-learn with initial registration of $590, and then pay $60 – $90 to register into each of the remaining 17 modules.
Electronics Technician Certificate
$1,800 or pay-as-you-learn with initial registration of $430, and then pay $60 to register into each of the remaining 23 modules.
Electromechanical Technician Certificate
$1,800 or pay as you learn with initial registration of $430, and then pay $60 to register into each of the remaining 23 modules.
Programmable Logic Controller Technician Certificate
$1,800 or pay as you learn with initial registration of $450, and then pay $75 to register into each of the remaining 18 modules.
PLC Technician II
$1,800 or pay as you learn with initial registration of $450 and then pay $75 to register into each of the remaining 18 modules.
Robotics Technician
Full registration: $1,740 or pay-as-you-learn with initial registration of $570, and then pay $90 to register into each of the remaining 13 modules.

 Call 978-630-9525 for more information or visit:Â